Chorus of Wounds (Cass).   2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

Chorus of Wounds (Cass). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

 Perpendicular Dance (Caroline). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

Perpendicular Dance (Caroline). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

   Stretch Outwards (Kate).   2022. Gouache on paper.

Stretch Outwards (Kate). 2022. Gouache on paper.

 Chain Link Fingers (Sara and Chloe). 2022. Watercolor on paper.

Chain Link Fingers (Sara and Chloe). 2022. Watercolor on paper.

   Chorus of Wounds (Cass).   2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.
 Perpendicular Dance (Caroline). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.
   Stretch Outwards (Kate).   2022. Gouache on paper.
 Chain Link Fingers (Sara and Chloe). 2022. Watercolor on paper.

Chorus of Wounds (Cass). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

Perpendicular Dance (Caroline). 2022. Gouache and watercolor on paper.

Stretch Outwards (Kate). 2022. Gouache on paper.

Chain Link Fingers (Sara and Chloe). 2022. Watercolor on paper.

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