
Summary of Client Work thus far in 2015.

Here are some examples of client work that I haven't formally posted. 

Flier for a SXSW tour kickoff show featuring The Caution Children, Forms, and Neat Freak.

Flier for a SXSW tour kickoff show featuring The Caution Children, Forms, and Neat Freak.

Logo design for an Orlando-based literary collective known as Literocalypse.

Header design for a literary collective known as Literocalypse.

Header design for a literary collective known as Literocalypse.

Flier for a concert avant-garde band Kayo Dot did in Tampa.

Flier for a concert avant-garde band Kayo Dot did in Tampa.

Cover for Orlando punk band You Blew It!'s 7", Pioneer of Nothing. Released on Jade Tree Records in January.

Cover for Orlando punk band You Blew It!'s 7", Pioneer of Nothing. Released on Jade Tree Records in January.